Seasonal & Sub-Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecasts


Colorado State University has issued forecasts of Atlantic basin hurricane activity since 1984. Following the pioneering work of Prof. William Gray, our group continues the long CSU tradition in forecasting with continually improving techniques for predicting tropical cyclone activity powered by new research.

Tropical Weather and Climate Research


We conduct cutting-edge research to advance knowledge and prediction of the weather and climate system. Our research group is focused on improved understanding and prediction of tropical weather, including hurricanes and typhoons, extreme rainfall, and other high impact weather.

What's happening in the group

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Welcome to new students!

This Fall the Tropical Weather and Climate Research group welcomes three new graduate students. Wa are excited to welcome Lauren Beard, Chandler Jenkins, and Meghan Stell into the M.S. program. Meghan Stell is an Associate Scientist at NCAR and has spent two summers working on research projects with the NSF SOARS program. Meghan has a passion for field projects and is eager to continue developing as a scientist. Chandler “CJ” Jenkins is passionate about tropical cyclones and weather and has also spent time doing research through the NSF SOARS program. Chandler will be using a numerical model to simulate individual hurricanes and investigate the mechanisms that are critical to formation and lifecycle. Lauren Beard has pursued various lines of research focused on clouds and how we can observe them. Lauren’s initial research will use polarimetric radar data to explore the links between aerosol concentration, microphysical processes and precipitation.