I am a first year Ph.D. student at Colorado State University. My research interests include understanding the thermodynamic and dynamic relationships between surface fluxes, TCBL structure, and tropical cyclone intensification. I am particularly interested in distilling the complexities of these relationships into conceptual and intuitive understandings, and I have a strong interest in teaching in the future. When I am not researching tropical cyclones or teaching, I enjoy participating in field experiments. You can reach me at eleanor.delap@colostate.edu.
2018-present Ph.D. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
2015-2018 M.S. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, University of Hawaii at Manoa
2011-2015 B.S. Meteorology, Valparaiso University
Awards and Honors
- Vivace Flute Scholarship 2011-2015
- Valpo Fund Alumni Scholarship 2011-2015
- Board of Directors Scholarship 2011-2015
- Chi Epsilon Pi Meteorology Honors Society 2012-2015
Teaching Experience
- Introduction to Weather and Climate Laboratory Primary Instructor, Fall 2018
- Introduction to Weather and Climate TA, Fall 2018
- Atmospheric Dynamics TA, 2014-2015
- Weather Technology TA, Spring 2013
Field Experience
- Lead Forecaster for Propagation of Intra-Seasonal Tropical OscillatioNs (PISTON)
- FAA-Licensed UAS Pilot for the CSU Convective Cloud Outflows and UpDrafts Experiment (C3LOUD-Ex)
- Elsberry, R.L., E. A. Hendricks, C. S. Velden, M. M. Bell, M. Peng, E. Casas, and Q. Zhao, 2018: Demonstration with special TCI-15 datasets of potential impacts of new-generation satellite atmospheric motion vectors on Navy regional and global models. Wea. Forecasting, 33, 1617-1637
- Casas E. G. and M. M. Bell, 2018: A Simplified Approach to Understanding Boundary Layer Structure Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Intensity. In preparation. Draft available upon request.
- Clark C. A., K. H. Goebbert, B. Ganesh-Babu, A. M. Young, K. N. Heinlein, E. G. Casas, A. P. VanDe Guchte, A. J. Krull, Z. P. Sefcovic, R. J. Connelly, A. L. Caruthers, M. Haynes, K. M. Zigner, S. L. Fingerle, E. P. Cade, T. M. DeRolf, and S. M. Schletz, 2018: Climatology of November Snow Days in the Lake Michigan Region: Is the Decreasing Snowfall Associated with Synoptic-Scale Systems, or Lake-Effect Events? submitted to International Journal of Climatology, under revision
Oral Presentations
- Delap, E. G., and M. M. Bell, 2018: A Simplified Approach to Understanding Boundary Layer Structure Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Intensity. 33rd Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 7C.1 [Available online at https://ams.confex.com/ams/33HURRICANE/webprogram/Paper340099.html]
- Delap E. G., N. R. Kelly, M. M. Row, Z. P. Sefcovic, and K. Goebbert, 2014: Interannual and Seasonal Variability of Tropical Cyclone Genesis in the Northwest Australia Basin. Celebration of Undergraduate Research , Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana
- Delap E. G., S. Fingerle, K. Heinlein, A. Young, and C. Clark, 2014: Synoptic and Lake-Effect Classification of Snowfall in the Lake Michigan Region. Celebration of Undergraduate Research , Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana
Poster Presentations
- Casas, E. G., and M. M. Bell, 2018: A Simplified Approach to Understanding Boundary Layer Structure Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Intensity. Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase, Fort Collins, CO.
- Casas, E. G., and M. M. Bell, 2018: A Simplified Approach to Understanding Boundary Layer Structure Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Intensity. The 8th Annual Young Scientist Symposium on Atmospheric Research (YSSAR), Fort Collins, CO.